جاري تحميل الصفحة
مدارس المهدي
الخميس, 08 كانون1/ديسمبر 2016 17:04

Keep Dreaming

قيم الموضوع
(0 أصوات)

Keep Dreaming

My name is Shorouk Houssien. I hope to be an orthopaedist, a doctor of bones and joints, in the future. But, to achieve my dream I need to study science well, since it can give a person powerful future. I won’t give up and I will try and try until I achieve all my goals. This is my dream and I will achieve it with commitment, determination, and hard work no matter what difficulties I face. I have learned to be courageous and to have audacity when encountering any problem and this is how success is accomplished. So I will be successful! A successful orthopaedist!


Despair will not dominate me.


By: ShoroukBassemHoussien

Grade: 6(B)

Al Mahdi School - Mashghara


معلومات إضافية

  • مصدر الخبر: مشغرة
  • الكاتب: شروق حسين
  • الشخصية الراعية: -
  • مكان النشاط: -
  • النوع: خبر
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